'offerings' Tagged Posts

'offerings' Tagged Posts


Give with Your Hands and Dedicate with Your Heart

Written by Rev. Zheng 5 Nov 2023 Translated by Wu Weijie           We thank the Lord for the blessing of having our Pastor Mentor Reverend Joseph Tong with us last week. Out of his care for us, Rev. Tong has exhorted us to treat offering with more reverence.           Before Covid-19, our offertory gifts were collected by offering stewards. These stewards would dress their best, and during the service, pass around the…

Living in the Fullness of Christ

23 July 2023 Teaching of Rev. Lai translated by Rev Zheng Let’s begin with the Tithing Command How much should we give to the church? Since the religious revolution, the most common teaching is to give a tenth. This teaching comes from a few bible passages. Many spiritual writings contain comprehensive analyses of these passages.  The emphasis of this article is on the practicality of this instruction. When Abraham led an army of 318 men to rescue his nephew Lot,…