'Christ' Tagged Posts
Why We Do Not Celebrate Easter
Taken from Reverend Lai’s desk notes in 2009 Translated by Li Yixing There are many important teachings that need to be repeated year after year. “Why we do not celebrate Easter” is one of them. This is because many Christians are still following the Easter traditions such as the Easter rabbit and the Easter eggs today. Just as the aged Apostle Peter solemnly declared, “So I will always remind you of these things, even though you…
Christ’s Beautiful Heart
“Puritan Theology” Series by Rev. Zheng Biqing Since Christ has returned to heaven, are we who are living in post-apostolic age at a disadvantage to those who knew Christ on earth? Is the glorified Christ less affected by humanity? Will His exaltation cause Him to forget us since He has left behind all His memories of weakness and pain? Let us search the Bible which will lead us right into the heart of Christ. Look at the promises of Jesus…