OurChildren’s Ministry and Choir

OurChildren’s Ministry and Choir

Ministry Sharing and Prayer Meeting  

–Our Children’s Ministry and Choir

From the desk of Rev Zheng

        “I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we are one—” (John 17:22)

        Each Person of the triune God is for the others and finds satisfaction in the others.  The Holy Son never complains, “Why am I the one to bear the humiliating cross?” The Holy Spirit never protests, “I am the power, and why am I always mentioned last?” If church ministries go their own way, the body of Christ will be torn apart. But if every ministry seeks Christ’s heart for the body and is always for the others, God’s glory will be manifested in us.

        In 2022, we consolidated all the work for children into one – the Children’s Ministry. Over the past two years, one by one, brothers and sisters have been led by the Holy Spirit to join the ministry, and the ministry is now full of vigour. At present, there are seven modules in the ministry:

  1. The Children’s Worship
  2. The Children’s Sunday School
  3. The Children’s Prayer Meeting
  4. The Children’s Fellowship
  5. The Children’s Catechism Camp
  6. Scripture Memorisation
  7. Manna Generation the Journal

        The co-workers of the ministry make an effort to visit the children during school holidays and encourage them to cultivate the habit of reading the bible every day. The church only asks for one thing from the co-workers: to walk their talk and be an example for the children, lest the children be kept out of paradise. We have a prayer: to start a choir for our children in the near future and include the Toddlers in the Children’s ministry when the time is right. O Lord, please bestow the gifts and devotion unto us, and raise up more people who will commit to nurturing the next generation for the Kingdom of God!

        Even though the choir is not a vital ministry, its ministry is crucial to the church’s spiritual growth. That is why we had a choir from the first day, and we encourage those who have a good voice to go for vocal training. Our choir ministry has a beautiful feature: strict discipline. For one to join the rendering on Sunday, he must attend at least three practice sessions and must not be late on Sunday. Such discipline is good for other ministries too, for we will not make light of the privilege of serving in God’s sanctuary. O Lord, our tenor and bass are weak. Please grant the gift of singing to more brothers and plant in them the desire to serve as the singing Levites!

        Lord Jesus, spur us onward in strict discipline so that our corporate worship and our service at every station will be an aroma of offering, pleasing and acceptable to You, with every seeker admiring the prestige to serve in the court of the King of all kings!


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