—Rev Zheng
“From Him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work.” (Eph 4:16)
Every ministry of the church ought to support one another like every part of a body does so that the church may grow according to the goals Christ set for her. For this reason, we have ministry sharing and prayer meetings at the beginning of every year. You come not only to share your own ministry but also to concern yourself with the other ministries of the church.
Our Elderly Fellowship has a unique feature: nearly half the fellowship is here, and half is abroad. They are paired up and are to read a scripture verse chosen from the Sunday sermon with the other person once a week. Thank God for giving them such beautiful wisdom to keep everyone in the brotherhood! When it comes to bible study, our elderly saints do not fall behind. They gathered two Saturdays a month to study God’s words at church, sometimes at their children’s homes. We thank God for their children’s support for their spiritual needs. Our elderly carry a mission while grandparenting: to assist their children in bringing their children’s children into eternity by walking before God and their grandchildren!
Our Adult Fellowship will gather in church on the 4th Saturday with the children and toddlers’ fellowship in parallel. This year, the committee sets its mind to helping every family rebuild their fellowship lives by doing a new thing: grouping every three families into one group, and every group will meet at a home to study the bible and share their walk with God. May the Lord be well pleased with the loving desire of their hearts.
The Young Family Fellowship has been diligent in upholding the conviction of helping young husbands and wives set up a family altar, have daily we-time to pray and fulfil the parenting pledge they took before God in bringing up their children in the redeemed community of God. It would be good and beautiful for them to interact with our young adults more often. It will definitely help the latter make the challenging but unregretted choice of a godly spouse so that their future family can come under the victorious banner of Christ. Remember the Young Family Fellowship in your prayer. They face an unusual situation this year: all the active young families have graduated. We thank God that their hearts still carry the burden for the rest. May He add to them the strength they need.
Everyone has a part to play in bringing up the next generation in a family. I urge you to come this Wednesday. You will get to know how the church nurtures the manna generation for the Kingdom, and know what to pray for our toddlers and children!