March Forth in 2024 Together!
From the desk of Rev Zheng 07 JAN 2024
On 1 January, we welcome 2024 with two hours of nonstop Thanksgiving fireworks!
The Lord offered us a level-10 test of faith in 2023: the ministry of Little Olive Tree! Thanks be to the Holy Spirit, He bound us together as one man to say to the Lord, “Hineini! We are willing!” And here it is: Little Olive Tree was born and is now one year old. Brothers and sisters, we have boldly followed the Holy Spirit and taken a big step in the Kingdom’s business!
2023 was a tiring year for many. We were busy working, parenting, seeking pleasure…praise God that we were also busy serving in the church. Will the year 2024 be as tiring? For Singapore to survive in the global environment, her people have to work doubly hard. People who do not have God get into grumbling and quarrelling easily in their busyness, and they fall into indulgence easily when they are tired. It is not so for Christians because we still have the blessings of God on busy and tiring days. Therefore, 2024 could be another good year for us to witness Christ and His cross!
Nonetheless, we need to stand firm in our busyness. This is not a hard thing. Simply grasp two basic skills. First, do everything for the Lord willingly. Remember, there is eternal value in whatever we do for the Lord. Do not let busyness take away your we-time with the Lord. With these two skills, it is okay to be tired or busy because you can still be joyful. At twelve years old, our Lord said to his parents, “Didn’t you know I had to be in my Father’s house?” (Luke 2:49) And when He was doing his public ministry, He and his disciples were so busy serving the people that “they were not even able to eat”. (Mark 3:20) Praise God that we are the Lord’s freed person (1Cor 7:22). None of us was coerced. We chose to give up our phone swiping, gaming, drinking, shopping, high-tea….to come to the house of God. Because the Holy Spirit opened our eyes to see the meaning of the work, the needs of God’s household and the calling of the Kingdom to rebuild the walls and to provide a safe haven for the lost souls.
Paul reminded us in Ephesians that the Bible is the sword of the Holy Spirit, and prayer is the charge on the spiritual battlefield.
In this year’s first few prayer meetings, we will hear from each ministry their growth, challenges and their best plan for the coming year. Let us come and uphold one another with our presence and our prayers for them. We also encourage every member of the church to respond to the Holy Spirit’s call to be a prayer warrior for the church. We will be making a resolution together on the CNY Lord’s Day.
Together, let us march and charge forth together fearlessly and joyously in the year 2024!