Living in the Fullness of Christ
16 April 2023 shared by Elder Jonathan Loo
“The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” John 10:10
Christ has promised us whoever in Him can experience an abundant life. Why does it mean by that? The blessing of God in Christ surpasses material enjoyment. Except for the souls of man, everything on earth will come to pass one day. So, God’s desire is for us to enjoy blessings that are imperishable.
Time and time again Jesus reminded us to focus on things above and not on earth. Also, in His letters to the seven churches in the book of Revelation, He warned us sternly to repent of our sin and live a life that is pleasing to God to avoid the eternal regretful consequences.
To live in Christ’s fullness is to live by God’s nature in our daily life. This may seem abstract. But the Lord has kindly made it clear to us, “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.” Galatians 5:22
We cannot measure how much love, Joy, Peace…etc we have attained. How then do we know whether we are doing well or we short fall of the expectation of God? Praise God for He does not judge us by how much we produce, but by how much effort we put in. The Lord told the parable of the talents to assure us that He is well pleased with those who put in efforts to work on His assignment.
While it is hard to tell whether one is living in Christ’s fullness, it is easy to tell if one is not. Firstly, when one is not contented with what he possesses, e.g. family, work, health, …etc. and strives to have more. Adam and Eve were one example. They had the best garden in the whole creation to enjoy, above all, communion with God. But they wanted to be like the Creator and they lost them all. As one tries to own what God did not give, one would lost God and His abundance.
Secondly, when one is constantly anxious, which is a result of not trusting God’s perfect providence. One good example is when one became so fearful and anxious during the Covid pandemic. Let us know that without God’s permission we would not even lose one hair.
Thirdly, when one has no spiritual appetite. Many think that being a Sunday Christian is good enough. When one does not take God seriously, one’s soul is not healthy.
Fourthly, when one tends to trust money and power more than trusting God. When one’s pace is too fast, one fails to slow down to reflect and appreciate God’s guidance, provision and protection in every step we take. Abraham’s nephew Lot is a warning to us.
To live in Christ’s fullness, we need to walk closely with God. We walk with God by meditating His words, praying to Him and obeying his will. Last but not least, we ought to serve the Lord and His people diligently. May you live in the abundance of Christ!