21 May 2023
1. I reaffirm that Jesus Christ is my personal Lord and Saviour
2. I believe the Bible, both the Old Testament and New Testament, is the Word of God, totally trustworthy, fully inspired by the Holy Spirit, the supreme, final, and the only infallible rule of faith and practice, by which the church should abide in the devising and the execution of all ministries.
3. I agree with the faith stance of Truth Baptist Church, including women’s roles as teacher, preacher, elder and deacon, and pastor of the church.
4. I promise, by the grace of God, to be faithful to Truth Baptist Church, consistent in my attendance in worship services and prayer meetings, and dutiful in my support of the total program of this church, and together with the members of this congregation, submit to one another out of reverence for Christ.
5. I promise, by the grace of God, to be zealous and faithful in promoting the truths of the Gospel and the purity and peace of the Church, whatever persecution or opposition may arise to me on that account.
6. I will endeavour, by the grace of God, whether private or public, to adorn the profession of the Gospel in my manner of life, and to walk with exemplary piety before this congregation.
7. I am willing to be faithful and diligent in the exercise of all my duties as elders to oversee resources of this church and the ministry to which I am being appointed, relying upon the Spirit of God, in such a way that Truth Baptist Church, and the entire Kingdom of Jesus Christ will be blessed.