Centerfold Articles 主日刊文章 (Page 9)

Centerfold Articles 主日刊文章 (Page 9)


A Response to the 2024 Olympics Opening Ceremony

Resist the Disguised “Angel of Light”

Written by Elder Luo Wenqiang, translated by Wu Simin

        The Paris Olympics commenced on 26 July 2024. At the opening ceremony, a drag queen-themed parody of Leonardo da Vinci’s “The Last Supper” and crude performances, including a naked singer made up as the Greek god of wine Dionysus caused an uproar in public opinion and the media.

        How should Christians view and respond to such public acts and events that clearly blaspheme Christianity? Should we accept the organizers’ apology and take it that they “meant no disrespect”? If Christians protest, will we be seen to be lacking in humour, aesthetic taste, and overly sensitive? Will this make people frown upon Christianity and make Christianity more marginalised? Why should we be bothered by this incident, since the LGBTQ culture is nothing new and is already widely publicised in mainstream media and in public places?

        If Christians remain silent because of these concerns and thoughts, it goes to say that we have fallen right into the enemy’s trap. The devil Satan wants to fill this world with sin and depravity, to make Christians timid, tired, and lazy to deal with it. When ugliness becomes the norm and shame is regarded as glory, it will be difficult for truth to prevail in this world.

        We cannot remain silent in this crooked and depraved generation, for God is holy and He has given us saints the identity as prophets. Gender identity and sexual orientation are by no means insignificant personal choices. In the round of 16 women’s boxing 66kg weight class competition on 1 August, Italy’s Angela Carini had to abandon her game midway because her opponent was a boxer who was disqualified from the 2023 boxing world championships for failing gender qualification tests. Allowing athletes who are biologically male to compete in women’s sports is not only disrespectful to women but also physical violence against them. Similarly, many underage teenagers who have been enticed by LGBTQ culture and have undergone sex reassignment surgery or taken puberty blockers may also suffer massive and irreversible damage to their bodies, minds and souls.

        In the last days, people will confuse and reverse right and wrong, just as the prophet Isaiah predicted, “who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter”. (Isaiah 5: 20) Under the disguise of “DEI diversity, equity and inclusion” advocated by liberals, we see the undermining of the most basic human nature and morality and the destruction of marriage and family which are the cornerstone of society, the Bible is scorned as an outdated revelation and our faith is vilified and stigmatised.

        If saints remain silent, not only will many people be confused and misled, but this will also allow sin to spread and atrocities to increase until they fill the earth. Voltaire once said, “Those who can make you believe absurdities can also make you commit atrocities.” When lies and absurdities prevail in this world, justice and truth will be engulfed, and eventually, atrocities will run rampant, and upright Christians will no longer have a place in this world.

        After World War II, a German pastor, Martin Niemöller, wrote a confession in poetic form to describe how German intellectuals and pastors succumbed to Nazi power and watched in silence as the Nazis purged group after group of innocent civilians until the final persecution came upon them and they were no longer able to resist.

“First, they came for the Communists,

and I did not speak out because I was not a Communist.

Then they came for the Socialists,

and I did not speak out because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the trade unionists,

and I did not speak out because I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews,

and I did not speak out because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me,

and there was no one left to speak out for me.”

        When the light of truth is dim in the world, no Christian can remain righteous alone. Therefore, let us saints no longer be the silent majority. First, let us speak out bravely on our personal social media platforms, and do not think that this is the responsibility of pastors and churches only.

        Secondly, when our relatives and friends talk about related issues, let us be prepared to bravely and wisely express our Christian views and communicate with them honestly.

        Thirdly, clearly boycott products, sports events, film and productions, art performances that contain LGBTQ culture, and support individuals, institutions and businesses that uphold traditional values.

        Finally, we should also see that many LGBTQ people are also victims of today’s decadent “woke” culture. Treating LGBTQ as a normal lifestyle is just deceiving oneself and others. There is no happiness to be found; instead, it brings about much physical, mental and spiritual confusion, pain and helplessness that cannot be told to others. Let us pray for them to bravely walk out of this misunderstanding of life, repent and turn to Jesus, and find true freedom and relief in Christ! What can truly “promote a peaceful society concerned with the preservation of human dignity” is not a global sporting event but the truth of the Gospel.

        “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.” (Matthew 11:28-29)


A Response to the 2024 Olympics Opening Ceremony

A Response to the 2024 Olympics Opening Ceremony Resist the Disguised “Angel of Light” Written by Elder Luo Wenqiang, translated by Wu Simin         The Paris Olympics commenced on 26 July 2024. At the opening ceremony, a drag queen-themed parody of Leonardo da Vinci’s “The Last Supper” and crude performances, including a naked singer made up as the Greek god of wine Dionysus caused an uproar in public opinion and the media.         How…


回应2024奥林匹克开幕礼 抵挡那伪装的”光明天使” 骆文强长老编写 2024年8月4日         2024年7月26日,巴黎奥运会开幕。开幕式上一段由变装皇后对达芬奇的名画“最后的晚餐”的模仿表演,以及裸体的蓝色酒神等粗俗的表演,在舆论和媒体上引起了轩然大波。         我们基督徒该如何看待和回应这类明显亵渎了基督教的公共行为和事件呢?是否该接受主办方的道歉,认为这正如他们解释的,不过是“无心之举”呢?我们基督徒如果发出抗议,是否会被人认为是缺乏幽默感、艺术品味、过于神经质了呢?从而让人更反感基督教,让基督教更边缘化呢?反正LGBTQ文化在主流媒体和公共场合的大肆宣传早已不是什么新鲜事了,又何必在意这一次呢?         如果基督徒因为这些顾虑和想法就保持沉默的话,那只能说我们正中了“仇敌”的诡计。魔鬼撒旦正是要让罪和败坏在这个世界上泛滥,让基督徒怯于、疲于、懒于应对。当丑态成为常态,羞耻被当作荣耀时,真理在这个世界上也就难有容身之处了。         神的圣洁和祂赋予我们众圣徒先知的功能,使我们在这个弯曲悖谬的世代不能缄口不言。性别认同、性取向这些问题决不是无关痛痒的个人自由选择而已。在8月1日奥运女子拳击66公斤级16强比赛中,意大利女选手安吉拉·卡里尼不得不在比赛中途宣布退出,因为她的对手是一名曾在2023年拳击锦标赛因性别资格鉴定不合格而被取消资格的拳击手。让生理上为男性的运动员进入女子运动,不仅是对女性的不尊重,更是对她们的肢体暴力。同样的,许许多多未成年的、受LGBTQ文化蛊惑而接受变性手术或性别抑制剂的青少年,他们身心灵也可能受到沉重而终身难以逆转的伤害。         这末世,世人会混淆是非、颠倒黑白,就像先知以赛亚(赛5: 20)预言的“称恶为善,称善为恶,以暗为光,以光为暗,以苦为甜,以甜为苦”。在自由人士所标榜的“DEI多样性、公平性和包容性”幌子之下,是对最基本的人性和道德的颠覆,摧毁的是婚姻和家庭等社会的基石;圣经被藐视为过时的启示,我们的信仰被丑化、污名化。         如果我们圣徒沉默不言,不仅会让许多的人被迷惑、误入歧途,更会让罪恶蔓延,暴行加增,直到遍满地面。伏尔泰曾说:那些能让你相信荒谬之事的人,也能让你犯下暴行。当谎言和荒谬在这个世界上大行其道时,公义与真相将被淹没,最终暴行会肆意横行,正直的基督徒也不会再有安身之处。         二战之后一位德国牧师马丁·尼莫拉写了一篇忏悔诗,叙述德国的知识分子与牧师如何屈服于纳粹势力,沉默地坐视纳粹肃清一群又一群的无辜者,直到最后迫害临到他们时,他们再无力反抗。         「起初,纳粹抓共产党人的时候,我沉默,因为我不是共产党人。         当他们抓社会民主主义者的时候,我沉默,因为我不是社会民主主义者。         当他们抓工会成员的时候,我沉默,因为我不是工会成员。         当他们抓犹太人的时候,我沉默,因为我不是犹太人。         最后当他们来抓我时,再也没有人站起来为我说话了。」         当真理之光在世上暗淡时,基督徒是无法在这世上“独善其身”的。因此,让我们圣徒不再做那沉默的大多数。首先,让我们勇敢的在我们个人的社交媒体平台上发声,不要认为这些课题单属于牧者和教会的责任。         其次,当我们身边的亲友谈论到相关课题时,让我们预备好了,能勇敢而有智慧的表明我们基督徒的立场,与他们坦诚交流。         再次,明确的抵制包含LGBTQ文化的商品、体育赛事、影视作品、艺术表演等,支持那些持守传统价值观的个人、机构和企业。…
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  To Remind Us that We Are Not Home Yet

Life Bible Study: Four Reasons Why Bad Things Happen to Good People #3   To Remind Us that We Are Not Home Yet From the desk of Rev Zheng 21 July  2024         Reports of natural and man-made disasters appear in the newspaper almost every day. God has created this world for our enjoyment. That was why He set up a beautiful garden as a home for mankind. A home with no calamities but sunshine, green pastures, and quiet waters.…
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《生命查经》好人为什么遭难系列之三 我们还没有到家 郑牧师编写 2024年7月21日         每天早上打开报纸,都可以看见天灾人祸的报导。神造这个地球原意是要人在其中享受生活。所以神为人预备一个家——伊甸园,也称为神的园子。阳光灿烂、青草地、溪水旁,没有天灾。         这就是神与人同行相交的家。         为什么今天的世界被天灾人祸蹂躏得千疮百孔?是神的创造不够好吗?不!是因为撒旦成功地诱惑亚当和夏娃起来悖逆神,导致整个自然界被双重的败坏长期辖制着。         第一种败坏来自神的咒诅:「地必为你的缘故受咒诅」(创3:17)自此,许多没有建造、只有破坏的生物逐一出现了,比如蒺藜、荆棘、病菌等。         第二种败坏来自罪。个人的贪婪、仇恨等不断在破坏社会、摧残着自然界,比如全球性气候危机、生化环境污染等危机。人悖逆神的后果是:这个地球不适合人类居住了。人类一代代生活在一个受罪玷污破坏正在死亡的星球上。         主耶稣说:「在世上你们有苦难,但你们可以放心,我已经胜了世界。」(约16:33)          感谢神的信实,那些爱神的人,神早已为他们预备了一位救主和一个完美的家园,让他们透过信心望见了:         「他们却羡慕一个更美的家乡,就是在天上的。」(来11:16)         这个家园既是「在天上」,表示不在这个历史中,也表示它没有罪的玷污,也没有咒诅。换句话说,在那里晚上家门不必上锁,街道也无需闭路电视,人们不必购买保险;那里也没有法庭,因为律法本是为人的过犯加添的(加3:19);那是个没有警察、监牢、军队、医院、坟场的家园。为什么?因为那些在这个世上行恶不悔改的人,都被基督拒绝在新家园外(太13:41,42)。而我们复活的身体是属天的,不再带有罪性(林前15:48)。故此,新家园也就没有了罪人。人人都出于爱神而行义、行善、行神看为美的事。人不会再受迷惑,因为那迷惑人的撒旦无法再潜入我们的新家园,因为它已被神扔在烧不尽的火湖里,永远灭亡!(启20:10)         「神要擦去他们一切的眼泪,不再有死亡,也不再有悲哀、哭号、疼痛,因为以前的事都过去了。」(启21:4)         亲爱的圣徒,当你的心紧系在这个世界里,你就会舍不得离开。我们需要苦难来提醒我们:这个世界不是久留之所,我们要松开手,定睛天上更美的家园,因为我们还没有到家。

The Myths of Personal Evangelism

The Myths of Personal Evangelism From the desk of Rev Zheng 7 July 2024         “But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect.”  (1Peter 3: 15)        Myth 1: Evangelism requires a certain type of personality. Under this premise, an introvert cannot do evangelism, befriending or even inviting. And we…