Centerfold Articles 主日刊文章 (Page 47)
COVID-19 Circuit Breaker “BE AT HOME” Series #2: To Forgive
During the Circuit Breaker period, let us learn to lead our family to live in unity, to fill our home with God’s love and to make our home a testimony of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
COVID-19 Circuit Breaker “BE AT HOME” Series #1: Be at Home
During the Circuit Breaker period, let us learn to lead our family to live in unity, to fill our home with God’s love and to make our home a testimony of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Thoughts in light of online COVID-19 Fake Information: Guard Against Preaching the False Gospel
Much like the rampant spread of faked news during the COVID-19 circuit breaker, there is also plenty of misinformation in the Christian faith community that causes believers to waver in their faith.