Centerfold Articles 主日刊文章 (Page 45)
ESCHOL SERIES #1 “OUR Sermon Sharing Session”: Share What You Hear
Our Sermon Sharing Session is part of our Lord’s Day Sabbath. It is our spiritual exercise on the Lord’s Day. How good and beautiful it is for God’s children to worship the Sovereign King in the morning and gather in the afternoon to share what each of them has heard from Him!
BIBLE WORD MEANINGS Series #2: ekklésia – The Church
ekklésia means people called out from the world and to God, the outcome being the Church, i.e. the universal or total body of believers whom God calls out from the world and into His eternal kingdom. There are three sets of concepts of the church that we must know in order that we may know how to love Christ’s church in the right way.
圣经字词解说系列之二:教会 ekklésia
BIBLE WORD MEANINGS Series #1: Bring and Offer Up in Reverence
God is in heaven and we are on earth, hence, man ought to offer up to God with an attitude of reverence. Bringing to the house of God in a casual or careless manner, the worshipper as well as the offering will not be acceptable to God. Let us be careful not to lose the heart of thanksgiving, reliance on God and honour to God.