Centerfold Articles 主日刊文章 (Page 44)
Significance of the Five Offerings
The five offerings are meant for His people to draw close to God and seek His mercy and grace in various situations. Although we are no longer required today to offer these offerings at the altar of the holy temple in Jerusalem, we must not neglect God’s purpose in these offerings.
Fight or Flight? Christians’ Dilemma in a deadly plague
What we can learn from Martin Luther’s writing on a deadly plague in 1527.
Wuhan Coronavirus Outbreak Prevention Notice
WUHAN CORONAVIRUS OUTBREAK PREVENTION NOTICE (2 FEBRUARY 2020) “The Lord will fight for you, and you have only to be silent.” (Exodus 14:14) The church is closely monitoring the situations in China and Singapore, as well as the instructions issued by our government. Our brothers and sisters are assisting pastoral team in following up on the movements and health conditions of our members. The Lord’s mercy and love be with us. Till today, nobody among us is infected. In this…