Centerfold Articles 主日刊文章 (Page 42)

Centerfold Articles 主日刊文章 (Page 42)



奥古斯都是罗马帝国的开国君王 (27 BCE),他结束了一个世纪的内战,把罗马帝带入200年「罗马治世」的和平、繁榮的辉煌时期。奥古斯都在世上只活了75年,主耶稣基督今天仍然活着,并且必在大荣耀中再次降临,在地上建立祂的宝座和国度,直到永远!
woman pastor

The Ministries of Sisters in Church

With regards to the ministries of sisters in church, Truth Baptist Church does not take a liberal or egalitarian position. We hold the belief that in marriage and in the household, the husband is the head of the wife, the wife should submit to the husband and the husband should love the wife as Christ loved the church. This is God’s original design for creation and will be so till the end of time. However, we do not agree with the adoption of this complementarian position in the context of the church.
woman pastor


在家庭和婚姻上,我们与男女互辅主义(Complementarism) 是基本一致的。但我们不认同互辅主义把丈夫做妻子的头的家庭原则应用到教会里。
Martin Luther

Remember the Reformation

The greatest watershed point of church history was the 31 Oct 1517 Reformation that was birth in Wittenberg, Germany. The church was set free from the Roman Catholic’s yoke, out of the darkness that lasted over 1000 years. The privileges of reading the bible and prayer to Christ etc were then returned to the children of God.