Centerfold Articles 主日刊文章 (Page 4)

Centerfold Articles 主日刊文章 (Page 4)

Bring Forth the Great Tidings in Christmas

by Rev. Zheng Biqing

        “Today in the town of David a Saviour has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord.” (Luke 2:11)The angels proclaimed to the shepherds living out in the fields in Bethlehem one night. This was the first Christmas carol in history. 

        ‘Christ’ means Saviour in Greek. He is the ‘offspring of woman’ predetermined by God to crush the head of Satan (Genesis 3:15). It is through the birth of Christ, that the hope in the reconciliation between God and man become a reality. The heavens proclaimed the glory of God and the earth began to experience true peace and joy on that very first Christmas. 

        The Christmas celebrations today stand in stark contrast with its first. Man has freely indulged in drunkenness and excessive carousel, and given in to our pleasures. This is just a modern form of the Isaraelites’ idolatrous worship of the golden calf in the wilderness, the worship of Chemosh, the vile god of Moab, and the worship of Bamoth Baal in Canaan. Dear saints, you must resist all these with wisdom and courage from the Holy Spirit. 

        More than that, we should be part of the effort in spreading the great tidings during Christmas. You may invite your family and friends to attend our “Christmas Concert of Praise”. You will not only be introducing beautiful Christmas hymns to them by doing so. More beautifully, you will also be inviting them to the house of the Lord, to meet with the children of God, and listen to the precious message in the gospel. This is the best Christmas present you can give to your family or friends. 

        If you have your own home, why not consider having a Christmas gospel rally in your own home? Family gospel rallies were widespread amongst the Christian families in the first century, and the Bible has more than a few records of such – like those of Zacchaeus, Levi, Peter and Martha. This was also the case for Cornelius, as recorded in Acts 10. Cornelius was moved by the Holy Spirit to invite his relatives and close friends to gather in his home, while inviting Peter to preach the salvation of God through Jesus Christ. “Now we are all here in the presence of God to listen to everything the Lord has commanded you to tell us.” (Acts 10:33) 

        It is not difficult to have a family gospel rally. Do you already have plans to have a Christmas meal with your family? Then you need only invite the Christmas caroling team. The carolers will bring along beautiful Christmas hymns, scripture recitation and the gospel message. In this way your Christmas family meal will easily be transformed into a Christmas family gospel rally!  

        Christmas seems like a season of peace and warmth on the surface, but is in actual fact, an intense spiritual battle. Satan has tried ways and means to hinder the birth of Christ to the world, and today his plan is to cause us to forget to true meaning of Christmas by embracing the festive figure of Santa Claus. Yet “Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners” (1 Timothy 1:15). Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, we need to be prayerful and alert, lest we fall into temptation. The followers of Christ in the early churches proclaimed Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior at a heavy and bloody expense. How can we then, dear brothers and sisters, remain silent in the comforts of today, and not bring forth tidings of great joy from God to man? 

Jesus Birth Illustration

Bring Forth the Great Tidings in Christmas

Bring Forth the Great Tidings in Christmas by Rev. Zheng Biqing         “Today in the town of David a Saviour has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord.” (Luke 2:11)The angels proclaimed to the shepherds living out in the fields in Bethlehem one night. This was the first Christmas carol in history.          ‘Christ’ means Saviour in Greek. He is the ‘offspring of woman’ predetermined by God to crush the head of…
Jesus Birth Illustration


过圣诞,报佳音 郑璧卿牧师写于 2012年12月2日         历史第一个报佳音,就是由天使向伯利恒野地里一群牧羊人宣告的:‘今天在大卫的城里,为你们生了救主,就是主基督’【路2:11】。         基督就是希腊文‘救主’的意思,他就是那位神应许要粉碎撒但权势的那位‘女人的后裔’(创3:15)!随着基督的降世,罪人与神和好的盼望也成为事实!在那古老的第一个圣诞,天上传扬神的荣耀,地上开始有了真正的喜乐和平安。         今天的圣诞节却是个强烈的对比,人们毫无顾忌地醉酒狂欢、放纵情欲。其实,这就是当年以色列人在旷野祭拜金牛犊、在巴兰的旷野祭拜摩押的基抹、在迦南跪拜巴力等的淫乱!圣徒啊,你一定要以属灵的智慧和勇气严拒之。         不但如此,我们要在圣诞节做报佳音的工作。你可以邀请你的亲友出席我们的《圣诞颂赞会》,不但可以把优美的教会圣诞诗歌介绍给他,更美的是让他来到主的家,结识基督的儿女,听见宝贵的福音。这将是你给他最好的圣诞礼物。         如果你有自己的家,何不考虑在家中举行圣诞布道会?家庭布道会是第一世纪普遍的圣徒家庭活动,圣经记载了不少,比如在撒该、利未、彼得、马大家中都有。还有《使徒行传》第10章的哥尼流,他受了圣灵的感动,邀请了许多亲属密友聚集在他家,并把彼得请来传讲神藉着耶稣成就的救恩:“现今我们都在神面前,要听主所吩咐你的一切话。” 【徒10:33】         在圣诞节举行家庭布道会其实并不难。你本来就有意和家人吃圣诞聚餐吧?只要邀请教会的报佳音团队到你家去,因为他们不单带来优美的圣诞诗歌,还有圣经朗诵和宣讲福音。你不必费吹毫之力就把你的家庭圣诞聚餐提升为家庭圣诞布道会了!         圣诞节表面上是欢乐和温馨的,事实上是一场激烈的属灵争战。撒但千方百计拦阻基督降世,如今他的诡计是我们去拥戴圣诞老人,忘记圣诞的真义:“基督耶稣降世,为要拯救罪人。”(提前1:15)圣弟兄姐妹们,我们一定要儆醒祷告,免得入了迷惑。初期教会许多信徒跟随主的脚步,他们在血淋淋的剧场中宣告耶稣基督为他们的救主。亲爱的弟兄姐妹,在这舒适安逸的平安夜里,我们又怎能可捂嘴静默不提这个由神亲自向人宣告的大喜信息呢?

凯撒的权柄 与 基督的权柄

凯撒的权柄 与 基督的权柄 郑璧卿牧师写于 2021年12月19日 「在上有权柄的,人人当顺服他,因为没有权柄不是出于神的。」罗13:1         上周提到,罗马皇帝奥古斯都被人尊为救世主。基督的到来可想而知对凯撒构成一个大威胁。的确,随着耶稣的诞生属灵界里掀起一场场地上统治者向赋予他们权柄的神抗争。         在第一世纪初期,罗马政府把基督教看为犹太教的一个流派,所以对基督教运动并不在意(犹太教是合法的宗教)。这也是为什么彼拉多在审讯耶稣后就决定把他释放了,因为看不出耶稣的国能对罗马帝国构成什么威胁(约18: 36)。又比如当保罗在哥林多被犹太人拉到公堂,当时亚该亚省方伯迦流拒绝收案(徒18:14)。一直到大约主后60年,基督徒拒绝称凯撒为主,宁愿死也不向凯撒的像献香,罗马政权才开始视基督教为犹太教以外的非法宗教,无疑地一个「背叛凯撒」的教主,他的跟随者也都负上「背叛凯撒」的罪名。初期教会面对的是火般的试炼:服从凯撒的权柄,称他为主,还是服从神的权柄,为基督殉道?弟兄姐妹,这也是今日你和我天天面对的试炼,顺服世界的权柄,或是顺服神? 「你若口里认耶稣为主,心里信神叫他从死里复活,就必得救。」罗10:9         主耶稣在世时,加利利省的百姓是通过希律王纳税,而犹大省的百姓则是直接向罗马政府以罗马钱币纳税,因为犹大省是由罗马委派的巡抚管理。犹太的奋锐党认定以色列人住在应许之地却向异教皇帝进贡缴税就是背叛神,他们强烈抗议向罗马纳税,在一定程度上他们获得百姓的同情和支持,因为他们斗争的目的是以色列的政治自由。因这个缘故,「我们纳税给恺撒可以不可以?」路20:22在当时是个极其敏感的神学兼政治课题。         当主耶稣来到犹大省,有人故意向他提出这个问题时,主耶稣拿起一个罗马钱币说:「恺撒的物当归给恺撒,神的物当归给神。」(当时的罗马钱币刻着凯撒的头像和徽号)亲爱的弟兄姐妹,主在对我们说:你们要把属神的归给神。要确保神先从你得着当有的贡物和服侍 (太6:33)。只要凯撒不侵犯神的统治,只要他只收取属他的而不是属神的,那么基督徒公民就必须给予凯撒当有的尊崇和顺服。 当凯撒越过神给他的权柄,基督徒就要勇敢地「背起十字架跟从主」了。

Caesar’s Authority vs Christ’s Authority

Caesar’s Authority vs Christ’s Authority   By Rev Tay Piak Kheng  19 December  2021 “Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God” Ro 13:1         Last week we learned that Caesar Augustus was exalted as the saviour of the world. Thus the arrival of the true Messiah King would pose a significant threat to him Indeed, a series of power…

A Dissection of Leading People to Christ

A Dissection of Leading People to Christ   By Rev Tay Piak Kheng  1 December  2024   “I tell you that in the same way there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents.” (Luke 15: 7, 10)         Leading a lost soul to Christ is a joyous occasion for heaven and earth. But how do we know whether a person truly believes in the Gospel? Evangelism has two parts: explaining the Gospel and getting a confession of…