Centerfold Articles 主日刊文章 (Page 22)

Centerfold Articles 主日刊文章 (Page 22)

1 October 2023 Alfred Tennyson, English Victorian poet laureate  (1809-1892)

Sunset and evening star,

          And one clear call for me!

And may there be no moaning of the bar,

          When I put out to sea.


But such a tide as moving seems asleep,

          Too full for sound and foam,

When that which drew from out the boundless deep

          turns again home.


Twilight and evening bell,

          And after that the dark!

And may there be no sadness or farewell,

          When I embark;


For tho’ from out our borne of Time and Place

          The flood may bear me far,

I hope to see my Pilot face to face

          when I have crossed the bar.


Alfred Tennyson wrote a great deal of poetry. The definitive edition of his Poems stretches to three large volumes. ‘Crossing the Bar’ is a meditation on death, written when he was in old age to encourage those facing death. Tennyson later commented: ‘The Pilot has been on board all the while, but in the dark I have not seen him.’ As 1Corinthians 13:12: ‘For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.’ At the end of the journey of life, we will see the sovereign Lord responsible for seeing His own through the voyage of life face-to-face in heaven!    


Christian Cultural Heritage – Crossing the Bar

1 October 2023 Alfred Tennyson, English Victorian poet laureate  (1809-1892) Sunset and evening star,           And one clear call for me! And may there be no moaning of the bar,           When I put out to sea.   But such a tide as moving seems asleep,           Too full for sound and foam, When that which drew from out the boundless deep           turns…

基督教文化产业 – 摘自《诗祭千秋》- 越过沙洲

10月1日 丁尼生 英国桂冠诗人(1809-1892) 夕阳和夜星,向我发出清晰的呼唤! 不要有沙洲呜咽的悲声, 当我出海航远。   但潮水似睡眠的流动, 有太多的声响和浪花, 自无边无垠的深洋涌来 然后转而归家。   黄昏微光和暮钟,随着来的是黑暗! 不要有送别的哀痛, 当我登舟扬帆;   超越时间和空间的界限, 海浪将我载去悠悠, 希望见我的舵手面对面, 当我越过那限阻的沙洲。   1889年八十岁的丁尼生生病了,雇来一位护士陪伴照顾他。在他的谈话中,那基督徒护士说:“先生,您有很多诗作,但很少圣诗。我希望您写首诗,安慰其他病苦的人。”老诗人回想自己先前乘船经过索伦海峡的沙洲时,听到波浪冲击的呜咽声,似在悲泣,那是风暴将至的预报。当夜,就在病床上九写成了这首诗。丁尼生感激这位护士姐妹的提醒,并嘱咐用这首诗作为他的每本诗集的最后一首。表明基督徒的生命之舟,必胜过死亡,面见救主耶稣基督。 诗中把沙洲的呜咽用作丧葬的意喻。丁尼生用平静近于渴望的心情,想象越过死亡的关栅,也就同时越过官感的限制,在肉体之外得见神,面见那位一直在生命之舟上的舵手。(伯19:26; 林前 13:12)

Practical lesson from Sunday School – God Forgives

Shared by Esther Luo,  24 September 2023      Good morning, everyone. I’m Esther. Today, I will be sharing a lesson I learned from the book of Romans chapter 4.      David took Uriah’s wife and sent him to die on the battlefield. Doing this, he broke many of the Ten Commandments. But even so, when David repented, God forgave him. This shows that God is merciful and will forgive you of your sins.      There was this…

主日学功课 – 神会赦免

24 September 2023 骆恩馨分享         大家早上好。         我是恩馨。今天我要和大家分享我在《罗马书》第四章所学习到的一个功课。         大卫王抢了乌利亚的妻子,然后差他上战场,让他死在战场上。大卫王这么做触犯了十诫中的许多条诫命。但是即使这样,当大卫王悔改的时候,神就赦免他。这表示神是有怜悯的,祂会赦免人的罪。         有一次,我没有做功课。我想撒谎来遮盖我的罪,像大卫王一样。但是我感到非常内疚,我的心一直没有平安。我就向神祷告,求祂帮助我,给我勇气说实话。         当我告诉了老师实情,虽然挨了骂,但我感到平安,心里也不再充满内疚。过后,我祈求神给我力量以后不要再撒谎。这件事帮助我了解大卫王是多么的内疚。         从这一课我学习到当你犯罪时,要求神赦免,并且不要再犯。就如常言道,“一朝被蛇咬,终身怕井绳”。自此以后,我努力不撒谎。若撒谎了,就求神赦免我。         谢谢。   

A testimony for God: God, Help My Mom!

Written by Rachel Lee,  3 September 2023         When I was 11 years old, my family experienced a very painful event. My mom had an accident. She was knocked down by a speeding car in the middle of the road and in my dad’s presence. He saw the car speeding towards my mom’s direction, and within a second, my mom flew off a few meters high into the sky and dropped to the ground.      …