Centerfold Articles 主日刊文章 (Page 18)

Centerfold Articles 主日刊文章 (Page 18)

Ministry Sharing and Prayer Meeting  

–Our Reception, Toddler and Young Adult Ministry

From the desk of Rev Zheng

        “Not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others” (Php 2: 4)

        If the members of a family mind only their own business, the family cannot last. It is the same with the Lord’s household. We must not only help each other in the ministry we serve but must also uphold other ministries in constant prayer and assistance.

        When you come to the house of God on Sunday morning and are received by a smiling face, that is the work of the reception ministry. Getting your lunchbox filled at the love-meal station at Sunday noon is also the service of the reception ministry. So are the economical and delicious buffets on various occasions in the church. The reception is a team of unnamed workers. Because they quietly serve at the seemingly insignificant posts, we have a clean place to enjoy our Sunday service and fellowship. O Lord, may you increase the joy of every reception worker and let every soul who walks into your church enjoy the warmth of a family and the joy of a haven.      

        The church’s manna generation begins with our toddlers’ ministry. The toddlers’ ministry is much more than a childcare service. We called it the Toddlers’ Worship because they learn to worship the only true God in English and Chinese. They also learned to memorise scripture verses, the Lord’s Prayer and the Apostles’ Creed. In order for parents to worship without interruption, the toddlers’ team does not take a break on Sunday. They accompany the young children with bible lessons, hymns, prayers and arts and crafts for three hours every Sunday. Lord, may you compel more young men and women to serve our young ones willingly. May you also place in every tender heart the desire to know you!

        Young adults are the church’s successor of the baton of faith. They are to steer the church on the path of pure faith while keeping the flame of evangelism burning. In addition to pursuing a personal career and romance, our young adults get together to study the bible fortnightly. They are also the main support for the choir, nursing students, and toddlers’ ministry and caring for their younger brothers and sisters in the YPF.

        O Lord, we pray that every one of our young adults will be granted pure and true love from You, so that they may be added power upon power in their pilgrimage. Sustain them, O Lord, that under the heavy work pressure, they will not give up their personal devotion time with you, and will be nourished with heavenly manna and love on the Cross daily. May they stand firm on the truth amidst the torrent of the decadent culture of the world and become bronze and iron walls for your church!

OurReception, Toddler and Young Adult Ministry

Ministry Sharing and Prayer Meeting   –Our Reception, Toddler and Young Adult Ministry From the desk of Rev Zheng         “Not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others” (Php 2: 4)         If the members of a family mind only their own business, the family cannot last. It is the same with the Lord’s household. We must not only help each other in the ministry we serve…


事工祷告会 –接待、幼儿、青壮 郑牧师         「 各人不要单顾自己的事,也要顾别人的事。」《腓立比书》2: 4         一个家的成员若只顾自己,那个家不可能持久和睦;主的家也是一样。我们不单在自己的事工团队中要有互助的精神,在各事工之间也要彼此扶持。         你在主日来到教会在门口看见一张笑脸在迎接你,那就是接待组的服侍;主日在爱宴站服侍大家拿饭食的也是接待组的服侍;教会特别聚会有价廉物美的自助餐,也是接待组的服侍。接待组是无名的工人,因为有他们在“不起眼”的岗位上默默事奉,我们来到主的圣所有干净的场地,能庄严地做礼拜,又可享受清茶淡饭的团契。主啊,求你加添每一个接待工人的喜乐,悦纳他们的事奉,让每一个来到你家的灵魂都得享家的温暖。         教会的吗哪一代从幼儿事工开始。我们的幼儿事工不是托儿服务,它更加丰盛,它是幼儿敬拜。幼儿们在老师的爱心带领下以中文和英文学习敬拜神,背诵经文,主祷文和使徒信经。为了让父母亲能专心做礼拜,幼儿团队从未在主日歇息,老师们一连三个小时陪伴教育我们的幼儿认识耶稣。主啊,求你感动更多青年,愿意谦卑地服侍幼儿们。愿你把对主耶稣的爱慕放在每一个幼儿的心上!         青壮年是教会的接棒人,他们是承上启下的一代,持守教会的使命,一面继续走在纯正的信仰道路上,一面火热地传扬福音真理。我们的青壮年在建立事业和追求爱情之余,每月两次一起查经交流;他们是诗班、幼儿和护士事工的支柱,同时也不忘对主内弟弟妹妹的关心。主啊,我们愿他们每一个人从你领受纯真的爱情,让他们奔跑天路力上加力!也求你叫他们在沉重的工作压力下,不放弃读经祷告亲近你,从你获得吗哪的喂养和爱的滋润。主啊,愿我们的青壮圣徒在萎靡文化的冲击下,在真理上壮志凌云,个个成为教会的铜墙铁壁:「四面受敌,却不被困住;心里作难,却不致失望; 遭逼迫,却不被丢弃;打倒了,却不致死亡;」(林后4:8)

OurChildren’s Ministry and Choir

Ministry Sharing and Prayer Meeting   –Our Children’s Ministry and Choir From the desk of Rev Zheng         “I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we are one—” (John 17:22)         Each Person of the triune God is for the others and finds satisfaction in the others.  The Holy Son never complains, “Why am I the one to bear the humiliating cross?” The Holy Spirit never…


事工祷告会 –儿童事工、诗班 郑牧师         「你所赐给我的荣耀,我已赐给他们,使他们合而为一,像我们合而为一。」《约翰福音》17:22         三位一体的神奇妙地完全合一。圣子从未抱怨:为什么要我负钉十字架的苦差?圣灵从未抗议:我是那能力,为什么把我的名字放最后?教会的事工若各自为政,主的身体必被撕裂。当教会事工以元首基督的心意为念,彼此相助,就是神的荣耀了!         在2022年我们把所有儿童的工作整合成为一个事工——儿童事工;这两年来,弟兄姐妹逐个加入团队,使儿童事工充满动力。如今儿童事工已有七个模块: 儿童敬拜 儿童主日学 儿童祷告会 儿童团契 儿童要理营 儿童圣经背诵 儿童期刊         团队同工也在学校假期探访孩子们,关心孩子,鼓励他们每天读圣经。 教会对同工的要求很简单:要以身作则,免得把孩子推在福音的门外。我们也盼望能为孩子们开拓“儿童诗班”,并且在适当的时候,把幼儿工作也整合进来。 主啊,求你赐下恩赐和感动,也兴起愿意委身为教会培育下一代的工人!         诗班不是教会唇亡齿寒的事工,但对教会的属灵成长却是举足轻重的。故此,我们教会从一开始就有诗班,也鼓励有唱歌恩赐的弟兄姐妹去学习声乐。诗班有一个很美的特色:纪律严格,一首诗歌必须练至少三次才能献唱,献唱当天若无故迟到就不能献唱。这是很好的操练,叫信徒不敢轻看圣殿的事奉。巴不得其他事工也能有严格的纪律要求。主啊,我们男声力量单薄,求你赐下歌唱的恩赐和委身的心志给更多的弟兄,到诗班来作歌唱的利未人!         主啊,求你鞭策我们,叫我们整体的敬拜以及每一个岗位所献上的祭,都成为馨香的祭,蒙你悦纳,叫所有来到我们当中的慕道着,都爱慕我们事奉万王之王的福分!

Our Elderly, Adult and Young Family Fellowship

Ministry Sharing and Prayer Meeting   –Our Elderly, Adult and Young Family Fellowship From the desk of Rev Zheng          “From Him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work.” (Eph 4:16)         Every ministry of the church ought to support one another like every part of a body does so that the church may grow according to the goals Christ…