Centerfold Articles 主日刊文章 (Page 17)

Centerfold Articles 主日刊文章 (Page 17)

24 Dec 2023 By Rev Zheng  

          “Then those who feared the Lord talked with each other, and the Lord listened and heard. A scroll of remembrance was written in his presence concerning those who feared the Lord and honoured his name.” (Malachi 3:16) 

          Sharing our testimonies is a Christian duty and privilege. It is a shame that many Christians hesitate to share. Some are unduly worried due to stage fright. Some try to rely on eloquence and end up honouring men instead of glorifying God. Sharing testimonies for Christ is declaring His glory; thus, the time spent is Kairos.  The heavenly gate is open, and the multitude of saints, angels, and God in heaven listen attentively to what we say. Therefore, we ought to cherish every opportunity to testify with prudent meditation and careful preparation. 

          In Exodus chapter 18, Moses exalted the Lord when he told his father-in-law Jethro How God delivered the Israelites from the hands of Pharaoh. Upon hearing Moses’ testimony, Jethro was delighted and praised God, ‘Now I know that the Lord is greater than all other gods.’ In John chapter 4, when the Samaritan woman ran back into the town and excitedly told the people there about Jesus, “Come, see a man who told me everything I ever did. Could this be the Christ?” as a result, many went out of the town to look for Jesus.

          The Lord gives us two principles for sharing in these passages:

          Firstly, Jesus Christ is the only one to be exalted in our sharing. Every man ought to be concealed as this is a time when God alone is to be seen. Thanking men will take our eyes away from the throne of Christ.

          Secondly, know that it is the Spirit of God that convicts. The people told the Samaritan woman, “It is no longer because of what you said that we believe, for we have heard for ourselves, and we know that this is indeed the Saviour of the world” (John 4:42 esv) If someone praises God after hearing your testimony, do not think highly of yourself. Rather, humbly thank God for using your testimony.

          We are to prepare our sharing prudently on these two principles. A careful preparation always begins with prayer, and prayer should always begin with confession. When you fix your eyes on the Golgotha cross, your lips will be filled with the power of the precious blood.

          Next, ask the Lord to impress in your heart what to say. Spend time meditating on it, and pen down the essential points and details if necessary. Writing helps organize our thoughts and emotions and makes our sharing clearer. 

          Do not crack a joke just to cover up your tenseness, and do not say, “Actually, I did not want to share, but since the pastor asked me to …” Such words will disrupt the work of the Holy Spirit. Sort out your emotion and whisper a silent prayer in your heart. Your soul will be firmly anchored in the Lord Jesus. He will give you the confidence to speak to His glory.

          Let us echo with the Psalmist: “Come and listen, all you who fear God; let me tell you what he has done for me.” (Psalm 66:16)


Sharing to the Glory of God

24 Dec 2023 By Rev Zheng             “Then those who feared the Lord talked with each other, and the Lord listened and heard. A scroll of remembrance was written in his presence concerning those who feared the Lord and honoured his name.” (Malachi 3:16)            Sharing our testimonies is a Christian duty and privilege. It is a shame that many Christians hesitate to share. Some are unduly worried due to stage fright.…

同来讲述神的美德 —— 如何预备年终感恩分享

2023年12月24日郑牧师写       「惟有你们是被拣选的族类,是有君尊的祭司,是圣洁的国度,是属神的子民,要叫你们宣扬那召你们出黑暗入奇妙光明者的美德。」 (彼前2:9)         每到年终感恩会,弟兄姐妹都会数算神的恩典,坦诚分享神在我们个人生命中的作为,将一切荣耀归给神。分享过的弟兄姐妹都知道那是一件很享受的事。神的儿女们在地上宣扬神的美德是Kairos,属天的一刻,天军、天上众圣徒和三一真神乐于聆听(玛3:16)。所以,让我们不要羞怯·,也无需诸多顾虑;要积极争取分享的机会,但也要谨慎待之,认真预备。         在《出埃及记》18章记载摩西向岳父叶忒罗讲述耶和华神将他们从埃及地领出来的奇妙大事;听了摩西的见证,叶忒罗就称颂赞美神说:「我现今…得知,耶和华比万神都大。」另外,《约翰福音》第4章的撒玛利亚妇人在遇见耶稣后跑回城里兴奋地向人说:「有一个人将我素来所行的一切事,都给我说出来了,莫非这就是基督吗?众人听了她的见证,就出城往耶稣那里去。」(约4:28,29)这些记载让我们看见荣耀神的分享有两个特性:         第一,要刻意把自己和旁人隐藏起来。因为在这个荣耀神的时刻用来感谢这个那个,把听众的眼光从神转移到人身上,就上了魔鬼的诡计了。         第二,诚实分享,无需夸大。听者受感是圣灵的工作,也惟有圣灵的感动才是真事持久的。若有人因你的见证而归向神,千万不可沾沾自喜,以为是你的见证感动他,你应当谦卑感谢神使用你。就如城里的人对撒玛利亚妇人说:「现在我们信,不是因为你的话,是我们亲自听见了,知道这真是救世主。」(约4:42)         你要抓住了这两个特点,认真地预备所要说的内容。这里有两个步骤公参考:         步骤一:专心祷告。做见证一定要从祷告开始,而祷告则要从认罪开始。当你的心被各各他的十字架充满时,你由心发出的称颂就满有能力了。你要问主自己当讲些什么,然后安静默想。         步骤二:写下来。强烈建议你把所要说的话写下来。因为在写的过程中就把自己的想法和情绪分析和整理了,这样你的心能安稳地锚泊在基督里,分享时就更清楚了。         最后,请莫说:我本来不想上来,但牧师让我讲…… 这样一开始就干扰了圣灵的工作,多么可惜!让我们把当天晚上分别出来,到主的殿和神的儿女们齐心说:       「凡敬畏神的人,你们都来听。我要述说他为我所行的事。」(诗篇66:16)
2024受难节 (3)

The Journey of Our Little Olive Tree – Truth Baptist Church

Written by Rachel Lee, principal      It was indeed God’s mercy and grace when we first approached Presbyterian Preschool Services in September 2022 to explore the possibility for Truth Baptist Church to venture into the preschool ministry with them and they said yes to us. Many discussions and meetings quickly followed. We spared no time gathering people to work – from renovating the premises, interviewing staff, setting up the centre, preparing for an open house, and submitting for licensing.     On…
2024受难节 (3)

小小橄榄树一年旅程 – Truth Baptist Church

校长李慧清字, 吴思馨中译          2022年9月我们第一次与长老会学前服务(PPS)讨论真理浸信教会开办学前教育中心的可能性,及至他们同意了,确实是靠着神的大怜悯和大恩典。随后我们马上展开多次讨论和会议,召集并组成工作队伍,在短短三个月内完成了中心的装修工程、协调后勤、面试员工、筹备开放日、布置课室,并申请营业执照等。         2022 年 12 月 30 日,也是我们在打开校门迎接幼儿的前一日,我们终于收到ECDA通知执照获批了!我们也在六个月后开始开办婴儿护理服务,进展顺利,目前我们正扩大校舍以便照顾更多婴儿。         开学的第一天为我们带来了许多欢乐。我们接待第一批的幼儿,共17位,年龄介于2岁至6岁。在老师的带领下,我们举行首次的早晨聚会,与所有的儿童一同唱诗并一起祷告。如今我们一共有35位幼儿,其中年龄最小的婴儿仅三个月半。我们也接收了稍有特需的儿童,为他们提供一个包容性的环境,让他们也能在妥善的学习环境中成长。同时,我们有一位专业的教学辅助老师,她与家长和老师密切配合,为个别儿童设计实际的学习规划。         在这个旅程中,中心日复一日遇见许多挑战,但是靠着弟兄姐妹们的支持和祷告,每一个难关我们都渡过了。感谢神召集祂的子民来回应祂的呼召,服务社区,并把小孩子带到祂那里。感谢神用祂的话语祝福这群儿童,能在幼年时就领受真、善、美的价值观。我们的原则是召集拥有同样价值观并热忱的基督徒教师,来活出神的话,为儿童们树立好榜样。         我们将倚靠从神而来的毅力和信心继续前行,也祷告我们能够继续耕耘这项美好的事工,祝福更多的儿童、家长、教师和社区。小小橄榄树是神赐给我们教会的一份珍贵产业。在新的一年以及未来的年日里,愿我们继续同心、忠心持守神的召唤,将这件事工完完全全交托在神的手中。

Give with Your Hands and Dedicate with Your Heart

Written by Rev. Zheng 5 Nov 2023 Translated by Wu Weijie           We thank the Lord for the blessing of having our Pastor Mentor Reverend Joseph Tong with us last week. Out of his care for us, Rev. Tong has exhorted us to treat offering with more reverence.           Before Covid-19, our offertory gifts were collected by offering stewards. These stewards would dress their best, and during the service, pass around the…