Centerfold Articles 主日刊文章

Centerfold Articles 主日刊文章

Come, Let Us Take the Pledge Together

Translated by Wu Zeyuan

“Not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.” Hebrews 10:25

       A Christian’s life is not only a life before God but also a life amid the church he attends. Hence, the teaching that a believer need not attend church is wrong. In fact, when we decide to join a church as members, it means we are willing to be committed to each other through regular fellowship, mutual help in learning the truth and serving God, etc. This is what our church membership pledge is all about.

       The pledge encapsulates a life that all members endorse. It delineates how we should live, much like our declaration of faith articulates what we believe. The pledge indicates a life that God expects His children to lead.

       As a church is a group of believers led by Christ and committed to each other, its membership pledge bears the following characteristics.

       Firstly, the pledge is made towards God, the church we attend, and ourselves, indicating our devotion to God, commitment to the church, and dedication to holiness.

       Secondly, it is a statement of our ethical perspective. The pledge is an application of our worldview in everyday life. It teaches us to love and account for each other based on our common understanding of the bible. Hence, each church may draft its own membership pledge according to its situation.

       Thirdly, the pledge is a set of moral standards. Simply put, as church members, we strive to lead a life of holiness as Christians ought to. Hence, we hope to help brothers and sisters turn away from sin through honest teaching and admonishment. When situations arise, a set of biblical standards pledged by all are needed to make the right decision. The pledge is, therefore, crucial for establishing and executing a church’s discipline.

       If you are baptized and wish to grow as Christ’s disciple under the pastoral care and accountability of Truth Baptist Church, you ought to take this pledge. Being “accountable for” means that the church will watch over your spiritual growth and Christian life to align them with God’s will and the teachings of the Bible. Come! Let us take this pledge together on our church’s anniversary to review and reform our church life. Brothers and sisters, are you willing?


Come, Let Us Take the Pledge Together

Come, Let Us Take the Pledge Together Translated by Wu Zeyuan “Not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.” Hebrews 10:25        A Christian’s life is not only a life before God but also a life amid the church he attends. Hence, the teaching that a believer need not attend church is wrong. In fact, when we decide to join…


齐来诵读会友信约 唐永杰弟兄写       「你们不可停止聚会,好像那些停止惯了的人,倒要彼此劝勉;既知道那日子临近,就更当如此。」来10:25         每个基督徒的生活不仅是他个人和神之间的事情,也关乎到他的教会生活。故,信主后可以不参加教会团契的教导是错误的。在你决定加入一间教会作会友的时候,就表示你愿意接受圣经中有关信徒之间互相委身的教导,例如定期与其他弟兄姐妹一起团契,在团契中彼此鼓励、彼此劝勉、彼此帮助,在主的真道上一同成长,一同事奉主。这就是教会会友信约的意义所在。         会友信约是一个我们共同赞同的应当如何生活的总结。如果说信仰告白是一个我们相信什么的总结,那么教会会友之约是一个我们当如何生活的总结。它体现出神对我们作为神的儿女应当如何生活的期望。         因此,教会是一群彼此委身、信仰清楚和公开、并互相立约的人组成的,神在其中永远居首位。由此我们可以看到教会会友信约有以下特征。         第一,教会会友信约是一个承诺。是一个对神的承诺、是一个对你所加入的教会的承诺、是一个你对自己的承诺。它是你对神委身的记号、对基督教会委身的记号、对追求圣洁的委身的记号。         第二,教会会友信约是伦理性的声明。教会会友信约是将基督徒世界观应用在我们生活各个层面。叫我们在对圣经的共同理解基础之上,弟兄姐妹之间彼此相爱, 互相负责。每间地方教会可以按着教会的实际情况,制定自己的会友信约。         第三,教会会友信约合乎圣经的道德标准。简单的说,作为教会会友,我们盼望彼此相助过圣洁的基督徒生活,我们也希望借着诚实的教导和规劝,帮助陷在罪中的弟兄姊妹脱离罪恶。在这些情况下,我们需要一个基于圣经的、共同认可的信约来正确的做出审断。这对教会制定并执行合乎圣经的教会纪律十分重要。         每一位愿意在真理浸信教会学做基督门徒、同意教会为他负责任、已经受洗的基督徒当齐来同颂信约。“负责”的意思是指教会为他的灵命成长、信仰生活等是否符合神的心意、圣经的命令守望和督责。         我们在教会的周年纪念日,以诵读会友信约来检讨和整顿自己的教会生活。弟兄姐妹,你愿意吗?

Truth Baptist Church Membership Pledge

Truth Baptist Church Membership Pledge            I believe that Christ is the head of the church, and He is sovereign in all matters of the church.            I believe that the Bible is the revelation of God’s will. It is the foundation of the church’s teachings, ministries, and administration.            I believe that the Holy Spirit is at work in the church to reproof, guide andmove.    …


真理浸信教会会友信约         我相信基督是教会的元首,衪掌管教会里的一切。         我相信圣经是神旨意的启示,是教会一切教导、事工、治理的依据。         我相信圣灵在教会中自由运行,作督责、引导和感动的工作。         身为真理浸信教会的会友,就是基督在真理浸信教会的肢体,我誓愿:         1. 固定出席教会聚会,并与圣徒相通,也不忽略为自己和其他人代求。         2. 在个人生活、家庭生活、社会生活、教会生活中遵照圣经的教导,谨慎自守,为家人和朋友的救恩见证基督。         3. 与弟兄姐妹互相关怀、彼此守望,并在需要的时候忠实地提出恳求和劝诫。         4. 使用主赐我的恩赐,在教会所分配的岗位上服事,参与真理浸信教会的建造。         5. 听从教会的教导和规劝、接受教会惩戒来持守教会的圣洁与合一。         6. 以固定金钱奉献来支持教会的财务开支、福音事工、国度拓展、以及对贫苦人的关怀。         愿主耶稣基督的恩典,天父上帝的慈爱,以及圣灵的交通与我们同在。阿们。

The Small Woman – Gladys Aylward

The Small Woman – Gladys Aylward 23 February 2025 extracted from School of Theology Boston University        GLADYS AYLWARD (1902-1970) is known as “The Small Woman” or “Virtuous One”. A housemaid born in Edmonton, north of London, Aylward went to China as an independent missionary. With little educational background and no specific abilities to commend her for missionary work, Gladys was turned down by the China Inland Mission. In 1930, with no mission board to support or guide…