Centerfold (Page 40)
起来讲述神的美德 – 如何预备年终感恩分享
Caesar’s Authority vs Christ’s Authority
Written by Rev Zheng Biqing “Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God” Ro 13:1 Last week we learned that Caesar Augustus was exalted as the savior of the world. Thus the arrival of the true Messiah King would pose a significant threat to him Indeed, a series of power struggles took place immediately following the birth of Jesus: the authority of…
凯撒的权柄 与 基督的权柄
Caesar Augustus and Jesus Christ
Caesar Augustus was the first Roman emperor who initiated an era of relative peace known as the Pax Romana in 27 BCE. Augustus lived 75 years and he is no more. But the Lord Jesus lives even today! One day He shall descend from heaven again in majestic glory and set His throne on the new heaven and new earth, and we will live in His reign forever!
奥古斯都是罗马帝国的开国君王 (27 BCE),他结束了一个世纪的内战,把罗马帝带入200年「罗马治世」的和平、繁榮的辉煌时期。奥古斯都在世上只活了75年,主耶稣基督今天仍然活着,并且必在大荣耀中再次降临,在地上建立祂的宝座和国度,直到永远!