Posts by TBC Admin (Page 46)
COVID-19 Circuit Breaker “BE AT HOME” Series #1: Be at Home
During the Circuit Breaker period, let us learn to lead our family to live in unity, to fill our home with God’s love and to make our home a testimony of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Thoughts in light of online COVID-19 Fake Information: Guard Against Preaching the False Gospel
Much like the rampant spread of faked news during the COVID-19 circuit breaker, there is also plenty of misinformation in the Christian faith community that causes believers to waver in their faith.
新冠状疫情中的假讯息联想 提防误传假福音
Significance of the Five Offerings
The five offerings are meant for His people to draw close to God and seek His mercy and grace in various situations. Although we are no longer required today to offer these offerings at the altar of the holy temple in Jerusalem, we must not neglect God’s purpose in these offerings.