Posts by TBC Admin (Page 38)

Posts by TBC Admin (Page 38)

Northern Thailand photo featured

Hear the Children’s Call in Northern Thailand!

26 Dec 2021    “For this reason I, Paul, the prisoner of Christ Jesus for the sake of you Gentiles— 2 Surely you have heard about the administration of God’s grace that was given to me for you” (Eph 3:1,2) Paul was commissioned to be the apostle for the Gentiles. In doing so he had suffered much, including imprisonment. Yet he saw his calling God’s grace for him and he received it with gratitude. In 2007 Rev Lee De Jun started…
Northern Thailand photo featured


   郑牧师字2021年12月26日 「因此,我保罗——为你们外邦人做了基督耶稣被囚的,替你们祈祷。谅必你们曾听见神赐恩给我,将关切你们的职分托付我,」(弗3:1,2) 保罗被神召唤做外邦人的使徒,他为了传福音给外邦人多遭患难、被囚禁;但他仍视他的召唤为神给他的恩赐,常常为之感谢神! 2007年李德俊牧师在八卡村开办了“真理学生中心”,收留山区里贫困家庭的孩子,让他们在山脚的八卡村泰文中学继续求学;但更重要的是带领他们读圣经,归向基督。这些孩子由传道人监督和带领,每天清晨六点钟做集体灵修,晚上熄灯前也集体读经,主日在教会敬拜事奉神。这十四年来万福教会不收分文、省吃俭用,靠着神信实的供应,努力为基督抢救更多孩子的灵魂。神在这些年期间使用这个中心栽培出不少敬虔的青年,当中也有成绩优秀而就读大学的学生。李德俊传道的感动是:只要有学生来敲门,他就收养。在2018年学生中心收养的学生多达23名!这个学生中心既是八卡万福教会的社会关怀事工,也是教会的福音预工。 赖牧师和我目睹真理学生中心从掘土到落成,就按神的感动,在2008年在我们教会推动 “马可助养计划”,鼓励弟兄姐妹参与这件又美又善的圣工,以每月新币$42 的金额,各资助一名学生的学费和生活费。感谢主,当时有15位弟兄姐妹参加助养。孩子们非常感激远在新加坡信徒无私的资助,每年都有寄上亲手制做的卡片和致谢的心语,其中一篇这么说: “虽然我们没有见过面没有认识过,我也不是您们的亲戚,但因为神感动您们,所以您们用爱心来支持我,真的辛苦您们了……这一生最美的祝福就是能认识主耶稣,希望您们都像我一样每天都过得快乐的生活,再次感谢您们的支持让我一步一步的完成了我的目标,剩下的时间我会努力的念书,多保重身体。愿神祝福您们。” 2022年马可助养计划将步入第15年。由于新冠疫情的关系,大部分学生回到山上去。今天,那里剩下9位学生,如果疫情改善,预计学生会陆续回来。无论如何,他们仍然需要我们的资助。最近和李牧师直接沟通,才发现每一个学生每个月都生活费和学费在过去几年已经涨到新币 ~$110 。弟兄姐妹,你可以考虑助养一个学生,或者两人一起助养,或一个家庭助养一位学生。这是神给你和你家的恩赐。愿感动保罗、赖牧师和李牧师的灵同样感动你,在泰北偏僻的山区与神同工,让住在那里的中国少数民族后裔有福音可听,有教育可受,一代一代地成为一个个基督的精兵、福音的使者,为基督攻取泰北山区未得之地!

Sharing to the Glory of God

“But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.” (2Peter 2:9) (2Peter 2:9) Sharing our testimonies is a Christian duty and privilege. It is a shame that many Christians hesitate to share. Some due to stage fright, some are unduly worried; some relied on eloquence and ended up honouring men instead of glorifying God.…

Caesar’s Authority vs Christ’s Authority

 Written by Rev Zheng Biqing “Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God”    Ro 13:1 Last week we learned that Caesar Augustus was exalted as the savior of the world. Thus the arrival of the true Messiah King would pose a significant threat to him Indeed, a series of power struggles took place immediately following the birth of Jesus: the authority of…