

Adult Bible Study Fellowship – Exodus Lesson 1

成人查经 团契 《出埃及记》第一课


Fulfilled Multiplication and Forced Eradication – Divine Power at Work

以色列的强盛与埃及的迫害 —神的应许与保守

Adult Bible Study Fellowship – Exodus Lesson 2

成人查经 团契 《出埃及记》第二课

Passing down the Baton of Faith – Behold Providence at Work

传递信心的火炬 — 看哪!神的护理!

Adult Bible Study Fellowship – Exodus Lesson 3
成人查经 团契 《出埃及记》第三课

God’s Training for His Servant – the Breaking and Remaking of Moses

神塑造他的仆人 — 粉碎与重塑

Adult Bible Study Fellowship – Exodus Lesson 4
成人查经 团契 《出埃及记》第四课

Chapter 3 & 4: Return to Egypt – God’s Calling And Sending

第三、四章:摩西回埃及 — 神的召唤与差遣

Adult Bible Study Fellowship – Exodus Lesson 5
成人查经 团契 《出埃及记》第五课