网上敬拜须知 Online Worship Notice

网上敬拜须知 Online Worship Notice


「然而耶和华在他的圣殿里,全地当在他面前肃静。」 《哈巴谷书‬ ‭2:20‬ ‭》




「因为 神不是叫人混乱,乃是叫人安静。」 《哥林多前书‬ ‭14:33‬ 》

2)家中敬拜要 穿着得体,就像一家人一起在线上敬拜,请把电脑或手机摆设在合适的位置,全家可清楚收看。




「凡事都要规规矩矩地按着次序行。」 《哥林多前书‬ ‭14:40‬ ‭》




  • 使用PayNow 做奉献:教会UEN: T07SS0083E
  • 直接转账教会银行户口:
    UOB A/C 3473008619

若是盘捐,请写上 “Offering”; 若是⼗⼀奉献,请按月份写上 “Tithe – Month of Offering”。愿神喜悦我们甘心乐意的献上。

Dear brothers and sisters, peace to you! During the live streaming worship, you may make the offering via either of the following ways:

  • Through PayNow. Church UEN: T07SS0083E; or
  • Direct transfer to church’s bank account:
    UOB A/C 3473008619

For tithing offering, please make a remark of “Tithe – May” according to the month of tithing. For normal offering, please make a remark of “Offering”. May the Lord be pleased with our willing and cheerful offering.

Online Worship Notice

The LORD is in his holy temple; let all the earth be silent before him. (Habakkuk 2:20)

Online worship at home should still be one with seriousness and reverence. Below are some of the pastoral’s reminders and notice for online worship.

Though saints are worshipping at home, we must be in awe.

1) Prepare early, check the internet connection, we will be sending out the links to everyone.

For God is not a God of disorder but of peace – as in all the congregations of the Lord’s people. (1 Corinthians 14:33)

2) You should be well-dressed for online worship, as though the whole family is worshipping together through online streaming, please place your computer or mobile devices in a suitable place, that it may be clearly seen by the whole family.

3) Prepare your hymnal, Bible, notebook, and ensure full participation throughout the worship.

4) Keep silent throughout the worship, do not make noise, do not converse, do not chatter.

5) Remember not to have your breakfast during worship

But everything should be done in a fitting and orderly way. (1 Corinthians 14:40)

We hope that brothers and sister will treat worship seriously, that through this special period, we may continue to be in awe, to rely on God for strength. And hope to see all of you back in church to worship together with us soon.

Regarding On-line offering:

  • Paynow, Paylah or equivalent cannot be used for making offering yet.
  • You only can offer through Fund Transfer
  • Please make sure that you have added in payee details in your bank account before Sunday worship so that the you may give your offering without difficulty during worship.

May the Lord be pleased with our willing and cheerful offering.